
Thanks for joining us! So what is Preschooligans? It’s a one-stop spot for some of our favorite free preschool printables and resources.
There are tons of sites on the Internet for preschool learning, and many feature both free and paid resources. But it can sometimes be hard to cull through it all and find what you need when you need it.
So, that’s where we come in. Here, our goal is to create a site with links to our favorite free preschool printables, ideas, projects, etc. We will also offer our own original content, like book plans & reviews with reading comprehension questions, vocabulary and lesson planning resources. But the key here is that we want to highlight the free stuff that we love!
We’re preschool teachers and parents too, so we’re looking forward to sharing some of the cool things we’ve learned, links to our favorite preschool activities and resources, some cool new original content, and your suggestions. We’re also looking forward to learning some new things along the way ourselves.
So…feel free to drop us a note, and while you’re here, take a look around! Welcome to Preschooligans!
Note: We may feature links to non-free supplies that we use or that you may need to carry out an activity — for example (but not limited to) books, art supplies, game pieces/dice or containers. These links may be affiliate links through which Preschooligans benefits (at no additional cost to you) if you make a purchase.